In 2002, Suzie created the INSIGHT Directory. She recognized the need to provide a compendium of information, education and deeper awareness of the variety of choices offered in the arena of new, emerging, alternative and complementary health and wellness options. She sold the Insight Directory in 2011 to concentrate on her Lecture business.
1. What is your passion or purpose you are being called to bring into action right now?
Helping people recognize, trust and honor their inner landscape – who they are and the intuitive process.
2. What were the motivating factors or defining moments that inspired you to get involved and share your passion?
Having a moment when I was 12 in which I heard the words: “What you are being told is not for you”. That sentence, plus my families allowance to ask questions started me on a path of inquiry.
3. What is your mantra or favorite quote you refer to when you seek inspiration or hope and why?
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. “~Goethe
3. Tell us about a moment recently when you were standing in your full power and purpose?
Finding my inner power and listening to my inner knowingness to deconstruct my business. Then, feeling and knowing that I took the right and proper path. This action has lead me to discover new ideas and corrected my inner trajectory to live my life in accord with my highest potential.
5. Why is the work you are doing so important for everyday women?
Informing women who use their intuition every day, in every moment, to recognize they can know, appreciate, trust and honor their intuitive impulses which are very real. This knowing and following intuitive prompts leads to a more fulfilled life.
6. Why is it so important for women to participate in an event like the Passion into Action Conference?
Collaboration, connections, finding liked minded women to be more fulfilled, more complete, more of who we are.
7. What are you hoping will be the biggest take-aways for women both at the Passion into Action Conference and your workshop?
Aha moments that continue on past the workshop and conference – a real moment of turn around and facing yourself. Change can bring redirection, reconstruction, revitalization to be a better person.
8. What is your message to women around the world?
Live who you are, learn who you are, be who you are, allow your inner resources to come to the surface so you can be complete as a fine human being touching into the world of spirit.