Whether you participated in a peaceful gathering, spent time with loved ones, or simply took time to yourself, peace was a quiet undertone for many of us during Mother’s Day this year.
Following is a recent response we received from Kelley Johnson, one of our listeners:
One of the things I do when I visit with my mom is to go out into her flower garden and slowly meander around with her, spotting the latest addition, picking off wilted blossoms, inspecting for new growth.
We slowly make our way to the vegetable garden and see all the plants growing vigorously in the hot Chico sun. In the summer, my son and I get our pick of the vegetables, in the winter we raid the lemon tree, and in the spring I cut flowers or braid lavender wands. We don’t do a lot of talking out in the garden, lots of being and observing. Sometimes she’ll tell me about a funny garden story, usually about ducks or frogs in her pool… l and we laugh.
She will go on snail hunts with my son just so he can watch them crawl around, and she never has anything bad to say about them, though I’m sure she doesn’t like what they do to her plants. My Mother finds peace in her garden and she shares that with her family.
This mother’s day I will spend time in my garden, meandering, thinking as little as possible; just quietly observing and being the peace.
Kelley Johnson