In this course learn tips and tools to:
- Unleash your true potential
- Be a Jane & become a hero in your own life
- Live your truth; the authentic and powerful woman you are meant to be
- Utilize the strengths and talents you already possess to live your best life.
- Discover the Laws of Enough and Abundance
- Move from Fear To Love – The Joy of Seeing, Accepting and Loving YOU
- Create new models and new stories that work for YOU
- Discover what makes your heart sing and be uniquely you
See Jane Do Presents 8 Week Telecourse Featuring:
Chameli Ardagh of Awakening Women Institute
Jennifer Cohen of Seven Stones Leadership Group
Kathleen McIntire of Soaring In Light and Guiding Signs 101
Elisa Parker of See Jane Do as moderator and presenter
AWAKEN to your purpose-what you’re here to create and align with your passions. Live a life in creativity, love and joy.
CONNECT with other like-minded women in a community that fosters support, authenticity and fun. To be seen and to be listened to for the amazing person that you are.
THRIVE and live a life that sustains your purpose and passion. Rather than lean broken systems and putting on the pant suits, learn how to create new models that are optimized for you as an empowered and creative woman.
We understand that you are a change-maker who realizes that you’re here for a reason, to create something in this lifetime that will make a difference. We want to help provide you with the resources, connections and tools to help create the life you’re meant to live. We have brought together hundreds of women at the PIA women’s conference in our rural community in Northern California. Now we reach out to women around the world to participate in the magical experience we call, Passion into Action Experience.
The world is waiting for you. You matter. You were made for these times. Join us!
*Classes may be taken separately per series or together as one course
Registration Fee:
See Jane Do Members: FREE (Not a member? Click here to join. SJD Members Receive Full Access to all of our PIA Telecourses.)
Non Member Registration Fee: $129
You are Enough
You are Unique
You are Empowered
You are Loved
See Jane Do Presents 8 Week Telecourse Featuring:
- Kathleen McIntire of Soaring In Light and Guiding Signs 101
- Chameli Ardagh of Awakening Women Institute
- Jennifer Cohen of Seven Stones Leadership Group
Series #1
Kathleen McIntire: Rediscovering and Cultivating Joy In Your Life
September 4th & September 11th
September 4th- From Fear To Love – The Joy of Seeing, Accepting and Loving YOU
In this class we will look at our fears and our shadow and places we hold shame and what holds us back. Not feeling good enough or feeling like a mistake. The ego uses comparison; we feel separation and fear. What does it mean to see, accept and love yourself—to love ALL of yourself? What are the tools? You will learn the powerful difference this can make in your life.
What Makes Your Heart Sing and Soar…Living a life of heart and meaning
Thirteen years ago making a commitment to live a life of heart and meaning and letting go of doing things from a sense of duty has been a catalyst for living in joy in my life. In this class we will explore what isn’t heart and meaning. We will look at the roadblocks. We will explore the four keys for moving into the heart
of your Unlimited Self so you can truly soar in life. You will discover what makes your heart sing and soar. There will be tools and baby steps you can take.
September 11th- Being Uniquely You – Not a Pleaser or Over Achiever
As women, it often seems like we have to choose between sacrificing our needs to take care of others or feeling like we’re selfish and self-centered. We may feel like we have to sacrifice who we really are, in order to win approval and meet others’ expectations. Or we may feel like we have to give up our femininity in order to be powerful and successful. Yet, it doesn’t have to be this way. Who you really are is powerful, magnificent, whole and complete. In this class we will be exploring how finding and living your Unique You is the biggest gift you can offer to yourself, to others and to the world.

Kathleen McIntire, Passion into Action Presenter
Kathleen McIntire is a transformational teacher, speaker, and healer who is dedicated to bringing forth truth, liberation and awakening. Her focus is on restoring the feminine power. Kathleen is the author and creator of Guiding Signs 101, a set of divination cards and Guidebook using everyday road signs to tap into your intuition and own inner guidance. She is the steward of MoonBear Sanctuary, located on 28 acres in Northern California. The intention of the Sanctuary is to give birth to the New Paradigm – one of love and a world that works for all life on our planet. The retreat center provides cutting-edge workshops as well as ceremonies, study groups, and symposiums. Kathleen also leads sacred journeys with women. She has lead journeys to the Andes and rainforest of Ecuador and also to Guatemala, revolving around the 20-day Mayan Calendar. Her sacred women’s journey for 2012 will take place in Peru for 15 days over the Fall Equinox. Kathleen is the producer of two Mayan films. Mayan Renaissance which was made by PeaceJam, an international education program for youth built around leading Nobel Peace Laureates. This film was premiered in May 2012 in New York City by the United Nations. It has also been turned into an educational tool for 600 Indigenous Youth Leaders from around the world, which Kathleen is a part of. The other film is The Unification of Wisdom and 2012, this film premiered at the Rio Summit in June 2012. Kathleen had a successful career in business when she was younger. She is the mother of her son, Ben, who is a filmmaker in New York. Kathleen has lived abroad and traveled extensively around the world. Kathleen’s website addresses arewww.SoaringInLight.com and www.GuidingSigns101.com
Series #2
Chameli Ardagh
September 18th and September 25th
Give your gift to the world with integrity and abundance
In this class, Chameli will talk about how the Hindu goddess Lakshmi is relevant for us modern women as we step into feminine leadership in our own lives. Lakshmi symbolizes the feminine view of wealth ~ a holistic wealth.
She is pictured with four arms, which lay out a clear map for us of how we can give our gifts in balance and alignment with our true values:
~Dharma (Right living)
~Artha (Genuine wealth)
~Kama (Sensual desire)
~Moksha (Ultimate Liberation)
These arms reflect four core desires that we are called to acknowledge and honor as we step into being instruments of a more conscious world.
We have been told from so many directions that we should not have desires.
The disowned desires are pushed down into the basement, into the unconscious,
and now there are billion dollar industries more than happy to own our desires.
Desire is life force, it is what moves us all, it is what brings evolution into blossoming.
If you feel that the feminine voice should be part of creating the next evolutionary shift,
begin with reclaiming your desire.
Lakshmi’s realm is the reality beyond our limiting beliefs
this is the realm in which she invites us to play with her.
Chameli Ardagh is the founder of the Awakening Women Institute. She is a pioneer on contemporary feminine spirituality, and is inspiring women around the world through her breakthrough methods for awakening and empowering of women and girls. She is especially appreciated for her passionate love of mythology and storytelling as a method for illuminating our hidden strength and beauty. She is the initiator of a global network of groups for women, creator of two home study multi-media sets and author of 3 books on feminine empowerment and spirituality. Chameli was born in Norway and now lives in Northern California with her husband Arjuna and two sons. www.AwakeningWomen.com
Series #3
Jennifer Cohen: Enough, Already!
October 30th, Nov. 6th & Nov. 13th
- Do you know you are enough, already, always have been, always will be?
- Are you aware that abundance is actually the flip side of scarcity and not the antidote to your longing? Radical, we know!
- Are you interested in a life aligned with your passion and values, and a world that works for all beings?
If this is you, join us for a rockin’ three part offering where we will:
- Explore and bust open the myths of scarcity and abundance.
- See clearly how scarcity works and how it’s designed to keep us small and trapped.
- Discover the Laws of Enough and relax deeply into them as a guide for designing a life that works at every level—not just on the surface.
- Experience and practice the tools of a life lived from enough to support you right NOW.
- See how living inside this emerging paradigm will help us design a truly sustainable social system going forward.
Wanna play?
Jennifer Cohen has studied the art and science of transformational coaching and facilitation since 1992 and is certified as a Master Coach by The Strozzi Institute for Leadership and Mastery. She co-founded Seven Stones Leadership Group, a company devoted to guiding individuals and organizations to face the most pressing questions of our time inside of exquisite sufficiency. From half day short workshops, to learning journeys lasting everywhere from six weeks to a whole year, Jen is masterful at designing deep dive learning opportunities where people can enter in complete safety to transform old patterns, heal old wounds, re-source their greatest wisdom and develop new skills that will serve their living and leading. She has taught everywhere from MIT to The Omega Institute in Rhinebeck NY and at conferences like Passion in Action in Northern California.
Jen has steeped herself equally in the practical as well as the esoteric. A devoted student of Vippasana meditation from the Theravada Buddhist tradition as well as a student of psychic practice, Tantric healing, and a mystery school student, Jen has cultivated her heart and spirit as the primary source of her teaching. In her passion for understanding the design of life, she has dedicated herself to understanding systems thinking and theory, has studied the neurophysiology of trauma, as well as communication theory and the architecture of masterful conversations and she has been teaching the Strozzi method of embodied leadership for well over a decade.
She is the author of the chapter “From Surviving to Thriving” in the book Being Human at Work, edited by Richard Strozzi Heckler. She has a master’s degree in Applied Psychology with an emphasis on systems theory from the Antioch New England Graduate School, and she did her undergraduate work in philosophy at Oberlin and Barnard. She is married and has a daughter.
Moderator and Host: Elisa Parker
Elisa Parker is the co-founder, president & host of the award winning program, See Jane Do. Serving as an activist for women, social justice, & the environment, Elisa’s work takes her around the world to discover and share the extraordinary stories & solutions in each of us. She hosts her weekly show for nationally acclaimed radio station KVMR & is the co-founder & director of the Passion into Action™ Women’s Conference, TEDxGrassValley and the See Jane Do Media Lounge. She is an alumna of the Women’s Media Center Progressive Women’s Voices program & The White House Project’s Go Run program. Elisa holds a BA in Communications from San Francisco State and a MA in Organization Development at University of San Francisco. Elisa lives in the Sierra Foothills with her husband and two daughters.