With a “do what you love” attitude, legendary award winning country music singer-songerwriter Lee Ann Womack is paving a new road for country singers in Nashville; one that sticks to the story, embraces
Read More »Elisa Parker with Sara Sharpe: Going Full Arete
“You no longer have to distract yourself from your own life; from your deepest self.” Sara Sharpe Arete: Excellence of any kind; fulfillment of purpose or function: the act of living up to one’s
Read More »Elisa Parker with Simrit Kaur: Revolution From the Inside Out
“The revolution is to be who we really are.” ~Simrit Kaur
Read More »Elisa Parker with Katie Rubin: America’s Funniest Spiritual Healer
Dick, Dudes, Corn Chips & Muppets! Listen in to find out why she’s our favorite Funny Girl.
Read More »Elisa Parker with Ana Holub: Forgive & Be Free
“Forgiveness doesn’t mean we become a doormat. It means we stand up and are assertive and we are strong and we are connected to our spirit so that we can do the work that we came to do on this planet.”
Read More »Elisa Parker with Melissa Etheridge: The Real ME
“You have to take care of yourself first. I know how much we want to save the world and we want to change it to make it a better place for ourselves, our children, our loved ones; that’s our nurturing
Read More »Featured See Jane Do Member: Karel Hendee, Becoming the Song of Her Heart
“My motivations seem to be focused around not “what I do” but more the way in which I do it.”~Karel Hendee Karel
Read More »Sista Monica: Love & Cancer Correlation
Sista Monica Parker, known as the “Lioness of the Blues” and former Passion into Action presenter is no stranger to overcoming great challenges. In fact her song, “All Things Are Possible” was inspired
Read More »See Jane Do Float & Giggle: A Day to Play Featuring Katie Rubin
See Jane Do, the award winning multi-media production company that empowers everyday women to be heroes in their own lives, is excited to announce the See Jane Do Float and Giggle Party: A Day to Play
Read More »Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls: Ashley Kuske- Be Yourself, Change the World
How do you become an active participant in the world as a girl or a woman when you feel so much pressure from external forces. You change the world by being yourself. Ashley Kuske, Director of Social
Read More »Katie Rubin: Don’t Let Your Passion Bring You Down
You don’t have to crash and burn to pursue your passion. Katie Rubin shares how you can still be on fire without sizzling. Pursuing her passion almost killed comedian, healer and actress Katie Rubin.
Read More »Erin Vilardi of Vote Run Lead: See Jane Do Exclusive Podcast with Elisa Parker
VoteRunLead is a national nonpartisan women’s organization that unleashes the power of women as leaders in our democracy through training, technology, and community. As the signature political program
Read More »Shawn Colvin: Being Vulnerable at All the Right Places- See Jane Do Exclusive Podcast with Elisa Parker
Grammy Award winner Shawn Colvin teaches us that releasing our stories, especially the painful ones that have been hidden inside a box, when opened up and revealed, often become gifts; that diamond in
Read More »Featured See Jane Do Member: Marilyn Nyborg of Women Waking the World
“When women rise, ALL humanity is lifted.”~Marilyn Nyborg Marilyn Nyborg,
Read More »Phenomenal Women Unite at See Jane Do Passion into Action & Slumber Party
You know it was something special when the keynotes say it was a transformational and life-changing experience for them and they want to return. When teenagers were dancing like no one was watching
Read More »Passion into Action with Jane Rivar: I Am a Woman
“Most importantly you must be true to yourself and only pursue what captures your heart. If you do, you have the chance to touch upon the deepest truth…who you are.” Jane Rivar Jane Rivar is a singer,
Read More »Passion into Action with Kathleen Plant McIntire: Journey to Joy
“End the silence, speak up, step up … SHINE!” – Kathleen Plan McIntire Kathleen
Read More »Passion into Action with Mara Hoover: Master Your Money Mindset
“Empowering women around relationships and finances is so important; it frees them up to be the best version of themselves and to inspire other women to achieve that freedom.” ~Mara Hoover Mara
Read More »Passion into Action with Brenda Horton: Take Action on Your Passion
“The difference between a dream and a goal is an action plan.” ~ Brenda Horton Brenda Horton is the co-creator of actionplanr.com, a productivity app designed to help busy women
Read More »Passion into Action with Susan Rosenthal: Get Out of Your Box and Step into Your Greatness
“Without purposeful action, we are dreamers.“~Susan Rosenthal Are you someone who can be or have all of your dreams and intentions? Do you react to life circumstances or are you in charge of creating
Read More »Passion into Action with Ana Holub: Forgive & Be Free
“Find your freedom with forgiveness!“~Ana Holub Ana Holub, MA is a writer, counselor and teacher of forgiveness & peace. Her work includes teaching in San Quentin Prison as well as offering workshops
Read More »Discovering Your Warrior Within…With a Horse
I’m not necessarily what you’d call a “horse person”. I was the kid who rather than ride the pony was pulled from behind along the field while hanging on to her reins (don’t let the photos deceive you,
Read More »In Memory of Angelina…
“This is not a death, but an expansion of my being.”~ Angelina Calafiore Several months ago my dear friend Angelina Calafiore passed away from cancer. She was a yogi, a healer and an earth angel.
Read More »Finding Your Voice: The Passion of One Note with J Ross Parrelli
“To be inspired. To Love. To Breathe. To Believe.”~J Ross Parrelli Renowned Hip Hop artist and educator, J Ross Parrelli is joining the Passion into Action line-up! J Ross will both perform at the event
Read More »Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls & See Jane Do Passion into Action!
Smart Girls encourages girls and the young at heart to change the world by being yourself. Smart Girls at the Party is a rapidly expanding online network and community movement. Their aim is to help young
Read More »We’ve Launched for Women! Be Part of the Solution
We are so excited to have launched our very first crowdfunding campaign to support women’s empowerment in small town America! This is our very first crowdfunding event to raise funds for See Jane Do’s
Read More »Azure Antoinette on Finding Your Voice: The Courage to Be Yourself
“The way to inspire change, is to recognize the wisdom of a woman.” ~Azure Antoinette Listen to an exclusive interview with Elisa Parker of See Jane Do and Passion into Action keynote speaker, Azure
Read More »See Jane Do & Buckminster Fuller Institute: Share Your Brilliance!
Part of the “I’m a Jane” campaign is embracing that it’s our time to create new systems rather than lean into broken ones. Together we are creating the new dream that is fostered through joy and
Read More »What Will it Take to Make a Woman President Featuring Marianne Schnall
Today we celebrate the first President of the United States, George Washington and the men to follow him. It’s not a far stretch to think within the near future we could be celebrating our first female
Read More »What’s on Your Bucket List: The 6-Month Experiment with Jacqueline Boone and See Jane Do
What would you do if you had 6 months to live? This question forever changed my life. I started an experiment in living to find out what could happen if I truly lived every day for 6 months—to appreciate
Read More »Mara Hoover Helps Women Experience Economic Empowerment in Rural Community
Local women are launching a new program to engage women around money management in Nevada County. Women currently make up more than half of the workforce, earn 60 percent of doctorates and masters degrees
Read More »My Three Marilyns: Mentor Gems in Gold Town
I moved to a small town in the Sierra Foothills on a whim ten years ago. Tired of the city life my husband and I decided to make the big move to a beautiful historic gold mining town in Northern California.
Read More »See Jane Do Hosts Our First Slumber Party
See Jane Do is hosting our first slumber party at magical, River Highlands Ranch. Come out and play! Relax and Recharge. The SJD sleep over features a talent show, dance party, beauty bar with Heather
Read More »International Leaders Gather to Draft Women’s Climate Action Agenda
Policymakers, Scientists, Businesswomen, Indigenous Leaders, Activists and Environmental Luminaries Join Forces To Address Climate Crisis New York—A powerful cohort of women leaders from 35+ countries
Read More »See Jane Do: Empowering Everyday Women to Be Heroes in Their Own Lives
Don’t be a Dick. Be a Jane! Become a leader of your life and lean into your strengths and talents rather than broken systems and models that no longer serve you. Unleash your true calling. See Jane
Read More »Kathleen McIntire: From Becoming a Victim to a Hero in Your Own Life
How do you tap into your intuition, move beyond your fear and be uniquely you? Kathleen McIntire of Soaring in Light and Guiding Signs 101 shares her personal story of overcoming being a victim to celebrating
Read More »Why You Need to Tap into Your Financial FemmePowerment
Mara Hoover has been an entrepreneur from as far back as she can remember, she started her first business venture with her father at five years old. Since then, she has become a successful and savvy business
Read More »Finding Your Sweet Spot with Alix Rager
Find your Sweet Spot Power! Working as a single mother and yearning for something more Alix Rager asked the big questions such as: Am I fully satisfied? Am I happy in all areas of my life? Am I living the life I’m meant to experience? Alix reinvented herself and now shares how you can discover your Sweet Spot in your ...
Read More »See Jane Do Presents: Live Interactive Experience for Women: Awaken, Connect, Thrive!
AWAKEN to your purpose-what you’re here to create and align with your passions. Live a life in creativity, love and joy. CONNECT with other like-minded women in a community that fosters support, authenticity and fun. To be seen and to be listened to for the amazing person that you are. THRIVE and live a life that sustains your purpose and passion. Rather than ...
Read More »Sonika Tinker: Creating Everything from Nothing
Sonika Tinker, co-founder of LoveWorks, encourages all of us to create the life you desire! Sonika lost almost $200K in a bad investment. Not only that, but the real estate market tanked and she lost her revenue stream, several rentals and her home went to foreclosure. At that time, she was making $15K a year from her LoveWorks relationship training ...
Read More »Helen Reddy Continues to Roar for Women
“Be strong and believe in yourself because we
Read More »Soiree into Action: Innovative Partnering Helps Everyone Thrive in a Down Economy
Organizations collaborate to do more for the community Organizations and individuals instinctively know that we have a much better chance of coming up with effective solutions to real world problems if we work together, rather than apart. Leveraging collective resources can maximize impact, especially when times are tough. We can all agree that we wish politicians would collaborate to solve ...
Read More »1,000 Rise Up in Small Town to End Violence Against Women
Over 1,000 people participated in One Billion Rising Nevada County Flash Mob to demand an end to violence against women and girls in the small town Grass Valley, CA. The flash mob was followed by performances, spoken word, music and dance at The Center for the Arts. The Nevada County Coalition of One Billion Rising consists of See Jane Do, ...
Read More »White House Advisor Lynn Rosenthal & VAWA
Elisa Parker of See Jane Do speaks with Lynn Rosenthal, White House Advisor on Violence Against Women at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Ms. Rosenthal discusses the significance of the passing of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and emphasizes the importance of women sticking together.
Read More »Yolanda Fair: Students Collaborating to End Violence Against Women
“Be empowered to use your voice to continue to help and support other women around the world”~Yolanda Fair Yolanda Fair, a third year law student at UNC-Chapel Hill, with an undergraduate degree from Tufts University shares take-aways and surprises from the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women 57th Session including sextortion and the power of collaboration. She participated ...
Read More »Neil Irvin-Men Who Stop Rape
“Violence only limits our ability to grow. Use your strength to inspire, lead and serve others rather than using it to destroy.”~Neil Irvin of Men Who Stop Rape A must for men and boys. Discover the top three things we can do to stop rape. Elisa Parker of See Jane Do interviews Neil Irvin, Executive Director of Men Who Stop ...
Read More »Ana Marie Sanchez: Girl From the Hood Gone Good
“My message to women is we’re here for you, we hear you and we see you. We’re banding together and we’re coming.”~Ana Marie Sanchez Elisa Parker interviews best selling author, spiritual counselor and activist Ana Marie Sanchez at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. As a survivor of sexual abuse and domestic violence Ana Marie shares the ...
Read More »See Jane Do to Participate in United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
Elisa Parker of See Jane Do, Kimberly D’Urso of Citizens for Choice and Skyler Myers of Women SAVVY have been selected as delegates for the 57th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) March 4th-15th, 2013. The theme for the session this year is elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and ...
Read More »Terry Tempest Williams- Finding Your Voice
“Finding one’s voice is a process of finding one’s passion.”~Terry Tempest Williams Terry Tempest Williams is an award-winning author and activist. Perhaps you’ve been inspired by her books and
Read More »Sharon Riegie Maynard: What’s Next? Women’s Work is to Change Outcome!
Passion Into Action Workshop: What's Next? Women's Work is to Change Outcome!
Sharon Riegie Maynard is a mystic shaman. She sees that the multidimensional aspects of human life require we understand and work within what is not seen, i.e. spirit, emotion, and thought in order to impact our physical situations. Her passion has been to restore women to their rightful position as leaders, agenda setters and policy makers for those to whom they give life.
Read More »Mary Elizabeth Young: Keeping Your Dreams Alive
Passion into Action Workshop: Keeping Your Dreams Alive,Even when Your World is Falling Apart & Girlfriends Unite! Live Your Life Purpose w/the Support of your BFF’s!
Mary Elizabeth Young is a women’s rights activist, writer, speaker, Hospice RN, and mother who has created and led a number of personal development workshops for women. As part of her activism Mary Elizabeth traveled with her family of seven to the historic UN Conference on Women in Beijing China in 1995, and is a founding member of Gather the Women Nevada County. She is the author of the memoir, Finding Your Light in the Dark. (www.findingyourlight.me)
Get on Track at Passion into Action
Take Your Mix of Inspiring Workshops and Speakers at Passion into Action
This year’s Passion into Action conference is bigger and better than ever. But with more than 30 workshops and speaking events packed into three days, it’s hard to decide between them. How do you choose the sessions that are the best fit for what you want to achieve?
We’re aiming to make it easier for you by offering three different tracks: Defining You, Taking Care of You and Leading Your Life. We’ve categorized the workshops by different themes so you can narrow your focus and learn the specific actions you need to turn your hopes, dreams and ideas into reality.
Read More »Shiana Seitz: Ignite Your Inner Fire
Passion into Action Workshop: Ignite Your Inner Fire
Shiana is an Eclectic Expressionist – a facilitator of workshops, an artist, and a writer. She has been inspired by training under role models who represent the expressive, older, wiser woman: Anna Halprin, Paula Shaw, and Nine Wise, to name a few. Her work of collage with original photography is currently on display in the North Bay.
She is the author of two books: First You Let it Go, a travel-memoir about a middle-aged woman’s solo trip around the world and her search of self and adventure as she moves beyond challenges to experience the freedom and acceptance of living in the moment.
Read More »Ruth Schwartz: Women and the Business 2.0 Revolution
Passion into Action Workshop: The Key to the Golden Handcuffs
Ruth Schwartz started Mordam Records in 1983. By the time Nirvana hit the pop charts and Green Day went platinum, Schwartz was running a ten million-dollar music distribution company. In 2012 Schwartz chronicles her success in The Key to the Golden Handcuff’s – Stop Being a Slave to Your Business. The book gives entrepreneurs and business executives insight into shifts that can be made to create a transparent, open-book company. Today, Schwartz in an internationally certified business coach, motivational speaker, and the facilitator of business mastermind boards. She owns High Performance Advocates, a management development and marketing company.
Ronita Johnson: Coming to Forgiveness – Prelude for Illuminating a Light of Well-Being
Passion into Action Workshop:Coming to Forgiveness – Prelude for Illuminating a Light of Well-Being
Ronita Johnson is dedicated to the principles and life practice of circle with a sacred center. She is the creator of “Celebrating Our Inner Queen”, a rite of passage and ritual ceremony for women to honor and claim the transitions in their lives. She is the author of Coming to Forgiveness: A Daughter’s Story of Race, Rage and Religion, and believes forgiveness, as key to self-worth, living a holistic life of body, mind, and spirit and sustainable world peace. Ronita draws on her rich background as Inclusion/Diversity Consultant, Integral Life Coach, and 60+ years of living to invite women and girls into sacred spaces that transform. She convenes women’s circles, public forums, and retreats on love and forgiveness around the world. She loves music, movement, deep listening, meditation, humor, reflection, experiencing new cultures, and storytelling.
Read More »Kelly Schrader: How to Conquer Your Sweet Cravings and Take Back Control of Your Diet!
Passion into Action Workshop: How to Conquer Your Sweet Cravings and Take Back Control of Your Diet!
Kelly is the owner of EVOLVE Yoga and Nutritional Wellbeing, which encompasses her Integrative Nutritional Practice and the Bikram Yoga studio in Grass Valley that she purchased two years ago. Kelly has a Masters in Integrative Nutrition from Columbia University and certificates from the Institute for the Psychology of Eating and the American Institute of Drugless Practitioners. She believes that nutritional counseling and yoga go hand in hand, and the that the synergy of these businesses joining has created more balance within her clients and students.
Read More »Susan Gouveia: Garden Art Projects and Budget Gardening Ideas
Passion into Action Workshop: Garden Art Projects and Budget Gardening Ideas
Susan Gouveia, Founder of The Society of Garden Goddesses is on a mission to share with the community about organic and sustainable gardening and cooking methods. In 2010, she started local gardening group– The Society of Garden Goddesses (now a group of 400 men and women). “We share tips, recipes and lots of laughs!” She wanted to take the seriousness and chore out of gardening and cooking and get people excited about experimenting with food grown in one’s own garden.
Read More »Brenda Horton: How To Turn Your Passion Into A Real Business.
Passion into Action Workshop: How To Turn Your Passion Into A Real Business.
Brenda Horton is on a mission to empower women in becoming successful entrepreneurs. She is a serial and social entrepreneur. She sold her first internet-based business for a profit in the late 90s. She is a community activist. She fundraised over $300,000.00 for Sierra Forever Families, a Nevada County non-profit for children. Her fundraiser garnered regional attention with her signature event, Festival in the Foothills, a gourmet food and wine tasting culinary extravaganza and live & silent auction, which attracted over eight hundred attendees, forty restaurants and wineries, and seventy-five local volunteers.
Karen Atkins: Taking Care of You in Ten Minutes
Passion into Action Workshop: Taking Care of You in Ten Minutes a Day-Easy strategies for managing stress and rising above chaos in your life
Karen is an award-winning songwriter, photographer and healer. She has a DVD series called “Restore Your Soul” that helps overwhelmed women reclaim their energy so they can show up for those they love and start creating more of the life they want to live, including titles such as Your Healthy Kitchen and Beyond Yoga: Gentle Movement for More Energy. She has traveled all over the world performing, teaching and taking pictures in such far-off places as Brazil, Indonesia, Denmark, Sweden, China, England, New Zealand and India.
Kathleen McIntire: Girlfriends Unite! Live Your Life Purpose with the Support of Your BFF’s
Passion into Action Workshop: Girlfriends Unite! Live Your Life Purpose with the Support of Your BFF's
Kathleen McIntire is a transformational teacher, speaker, and healer who is dedicated to bringing forth truth, liberation and awakening. Her focus is on restoring the feminine power. Kathleen is the author and creator of Guiding Signs 101, a set of divination cards and Guidebook using everyday road signs to tap into your intuition and own inner guidance. She is the steward of MoonBear Sanctuary, located on 28 acres in Northern California. The intention of the Sanctuary is to give birth to the New Paradigm – one of love and a world that works for all life on our planet. The retreat center provides cutting-edge workshops as well as ceremonies, study groups, and symposiums. Kathleen also leads sacred journeys with women. She has lead journeys to the Andes and rainforest of Ecuador and also to Guatemala, revolving around the 20-day Mayan Calendar. Her sacred women’s journey for 2012 will take place in Peru for 15 days over the Fall Equinox. Kathleen is the producer of two Mayan films.
Marilyn Nyborg: What’s Next? Women’s Work is to Change Outcome!
Passion into Action Workshop: What’s Next? Women’s Work is to Change Outcome! (presenting with Sharon Maynard)
Marilyn Rosenbrock Nyborg has been a spiritually based activist since the ‘60’s beginning with the civil rights movement. In the ‘70’s she turned her focus inward and began the journey to wholeness, integrating the masculine and feminine within and examining the unconscious attitudes and conditioning in her personality.
Recognizing the need for women to find their voices and claim their power, she began in the early ‘80’s to work through women’s circles and activities to bring feminine wisdom to bear on the world. In 2002 she became a co-founder of Gather the Women. Marilyn brought GTW home, and created Gather the Women of Nevada County. In 2009 she initiated a conversation about the major loss throughout civilization at the repression and degradation of women’s wisdom and contributions. This led to the birth to Women Waking the World. Marilyn is a visionary, an initiator of creative ideas. She fosters new thinking,
connecting the dots between people, ideas and projects.
Jennifer Cohen: Surviving to Thriving
Passion into Action Workshop: Get in condition to thrive in the emerging world.
"What kind of world could we create if we already knew we were enough?"
Jennifer Cohen has studied the art and science of transformational coaching and facilitation since 1992 and is certified as a Master Coach by The Strozzi Institute for Leadership and Mastery. She co-founded Seven Stones Leadership Group, a company devoted to guiding individuals and organizations to face the most pressing questions of our time inside of exquisite sufficiency. From half day short workshops, to learning journeys lasting everywhere from six weeks to a whole year, Jen is masterful at designing deep dive learning opportunities where people can enter in complete safety to transform old patterns, heal old wounds, re-source their greatest wisdom and develop new skills that will serve their living and leading. She has taught everywhere from MIT to The Omega Institute in Rhinebeck NY and at conferences like Passion in Action in Northern California.
Read More »Mara Hoover: Fempreneur
Passion into Action Workshop: The World is Waiting: Sharing your story through your unique passion will change the lives of those around you
"When we empower and celebrate other women and they do the same for us we can take on anything!"
Mara Hoover is a young and very driven fempreneur. Mara has her contractor's license and worked for six years as a general contractor building and remodeling homes. She is now pursuing a career in the financial services arena and has climbed to the top 10 in her company in only 6 months. One of Mara’s favorite accomplishments is becoming a published author. At the age of 5 Mara dreamt of writing a book and last October, on her birthday she celebrated the release of her book My Grumpy Husband. Mara looks forward to pursuing her passion of storytelling by continuing her book as a series that collects stories from men and women that celebrate the joys and difficulties of relationships, giving her readers a forum to share their own experiences.
Read More »Lisa Schrader: Awakening Shakti
Passion into Action Workshop: Sensual Esteem & Awakening the Goddess Within
"Women as nurturers and keepers of community, absolutely must connect, share, hug, and share their hearts with other like-minded women. It’s how we flourish. It’s how we change the world."
Lisa Schrader, a sacred sexuality teacher and the founder of Awakening Shakti, has impacted the lives of thousands of women over the last decade. Her work has been featured on Oprah, Oxygen and VH1. She is the author of "Kama Sutra 52: A Year's Worth of the Best Positions for Passion and Pleasure" from Quiver Books. As a certified coach with the International Coach Federation, she has been in private practice for over 10 years supporting women and couples with awakening their sacred sexual power.
Read More »Suzie Daggett: Recognizing Intuition
Passion into Action Workshop: My Intuition Has Lead Me To …
“Live who you are, learn who you are, be who you are, allow your inner resources to come to the surface so you can be complete as a fine human being touching into the world of spirit”.
Suzie Daggett, constantly curious about the mysteries of life, produces INSIGHT Lectures and is a columnist with the Nevada City Advocate. Since 2005, Insight Lectures has contributed to our rich cultural/spiritual fabric by producing events for well known best selling authors and speakers who present leading-edge information and progressive thinking in the areas of health & well-being, spirituality, scientific discovery and cultural trends.In Suzie's interview column with the Nevada City Advocate, she writes about local health practitioners presenting a wide variety of choices in healing.
Read More »Debe Fennell: Funding for Your Passion
Passion into Action Workshop: Get Funded: Crowdfunding Can Bring Your Ideas to Life
"It’s not rocket science…it’s business. Get focused and give it all you have."
One of the founding partners of CrowdFundingLIVE, Debe Fennell brings to the company many years of marketing experience, including 15 years in the music industry as a journalist, record promoter, label executive, event planner, music consultant and as a singer, herself. Her years in the personal development field, as a publicist, affiliate marketer and publishing coordinator from concept to launch, Debe has managed teams and created a wide network of relationships in several industries, including her time working in Real Estate marketing for developers, agents and brokers. Discovering crowdfunding has given her an entirely new enthusiasm for entrepreneurs and working with her partners has deepened her appreciation for creating a business from the ground up.
Read More »Rachel Berry: Empowering with Herbs
Passion into Action Workshop: Nourishing With Herbs: How to Use Kitchen Herbs and Local Plants for Health and Well-being
"Reclaim our herbal heritage! It is in our bones and in our blood, and it’s a beautiful gateway into a healthier, more respectful relationship to the earth."
Rachel blends her background in community health, women’s health, medicinal herbs, and sustainable living practices to inspire and promote home-scale herbalism. She teaches out of her home garden in Grass Valley, and is a guest instructor at the Regenerative Design Institute, Esalen, and other Northern California locations. Rachel holds a master degree in Health Psychology from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, where she worked for several years as university instructor in women’s health and directed public health programs for women and children in Northern Arizona.
Read More »Beth Terry: Living Plastic Free
Passion into Action Conference Workshop: Living Plastic-Free: 9 Reasons Our Personal Actions Matter
"Whoever you are, whatever your age, gender, or economic status, there is something for you to do in the fight against plastic pollution."
Five years ago, after stumbling across an article about how our plastic waste is polluting our oceans and how mother birds mistake plastic for food that they feed their babies, Beth Terry challenged herself to stop buying any new plastic. Since then, she has reduced her plastic waste to less than 2% of the national average and has made it her mission to help others do the same.
Read More »Catherine Gray: Leading with The White House Project
When Catherine was nine years old, in her gym class, all the kids were asked to throw a softball as far as they could. The boys lined up on one end of the field, and the girls were on the other. When Catherine took her turn, she threw the ball past the end of the tape measure. Twice. The teacher marched Catherine and all the girls across the field to finish the class throwing with the boys…. And using the longer tape measure. That day, and ever since then, Catherine has been infiltrating boys clubs, breaking barriers and most importantly, motivating other girls and women to speak up, move up, and fire up.
Based in Minneapolis, MN, she currently serves as Director of Training at The White House Project. As the lead communications trainer for the organization, she has trained or coached more than 2,500 women,
Read More »Top Tips to Live Out Your Purpose
By: Angelina CalafioreThe universe is abundant in nature and so are we, because the whole universe resides within each one of us. ~ Angelina Calafiore
First ask, “How can I motivate myself?” Then ask yourself:
- What sorts of work or activities really excite and energize me?
- When do I feel the most vibrant and alive?
- What special talents or strengths do I have?
- What does my "blessings and brag list" tell me about some of these questions?
Ikal Angelei: Goldman Prize Winner 2012- Africa
See Jane Do exclusive interview with Ikal Angelei, Goldman Prize Winner. Ikal returned to her community in Kenya to fight the construction of the Gibe 3 Dam that would block access to water for her community
Read More »How to be a Rural Woman – and Make a Living at It
By: Vanessa Richardson
Have you dreamed of escaping suburbia or the urban jungle and moving to a cottage in a quiet, rural area far away from civilization? And then have you nixed that thought because you don’t know how you would be able to find a job or make a living so far from the city? Lisa Kivirist is living proof that you can make your dream of becoming a “rural woman” come true.
Kivirist and her husband, John Ivanko, used to commute to jobs in Chicago high-rises, but they felt that living their waking hours in cubicles was sucking their souls dry, and they knew they needed to change their lifestyles and livelihoods. They chucked city life for life in southwest Wisconsin as innkeepers of an organic bed and breakfast, crossing their fingers and hoping for the best.
Caroline Cannon Goldman Prize Winner 2012
See Jane Do exclusive interview with Caroline Cannon North America winner of the 2012 Goldman Environmental Prize. Elisa Parker chats with Caroline at the Goldman Prize Ceremony in San Francisco. Caroline
Read More »Cultivating Women’s Leadership
“Where women lead, everything gets better” ~Nina Simons. Are you a leader but just didn’t know it? Co-founders of the Cultivating Women’s Leadership Training Nina Simons of Bioneers and Toby
Read More »Girl Scout from Rwanda: Changing the World One Girl at a Time! UNCSW
See Jane Do interviews inspirational Girl Scout, Pamela from Rwanda at UN CSW. Pamela shares the commonalities between women and girls across the world and how women and girls from rural communities are
Read More »Rural American Women in 2012- Girl Scouts at UN CSW
What does the rural woman look like in 2012 and how is she changing the world for the better? See Jane Do interviews Girl Scouts at the 56th Session of UN CSW in New York. They describe what it’s like
Read More »Rural American Women in 2012- Girl Scouts at UN CSW
What does the rural woman look like in 2012 and how is she changing the world for the better? See Jane Do interviews Girl Scouts at the 56th Session of UN CSW in New York. They describe what it’s like
Read More »Clips from The Women in the World Summit NYC 2012
See Jane Do exclusive with Gloria Feldt, author, activist and former CEO of Planned Parenthood from the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Gloria shares tips and tool to move women
Read More »Partners
B Lab is a nonprofit organization dedicated to using the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. B Lab certifies B Corporations – enabling consumers to tell the difference
Read More »Give the Gift of Love Instead of More Stuff For the Holidays
By: Kathleen McIntire
Stop confusing "stuff" with love. Our society seems to be obsessed with the idea that more is better, and we behave as though possessions indicate status and worthiness. During the holidays, those beliefs manifest themselves in the giving of gifts. Doggedly we shop, wrap, and exchange presents with one another...even though (if we're honest with ourselves) we generally find little fulfillment in this tradition.
A lot of our holiday stress is tied to obligatory spending. In fact, many Americans are already stretching their budgets way past the point of comfort. And beyond that, most people we spend money on would breathe a huge sigh of relief if we just stopped the gift-giving madness.
Read More »Become a See Jane Do Member Today!
Join the growing community of Jane’s around the world! Get involved. Share. Be Inspired. Belong. Stay connected. Meet others who share a common interest.Take advantage of member resources to help you
Read More »Lisa Levart: 5 Things You Can Do To Discover the Goddess Within
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Mentoring Girls for Social Change
Many youth today, especially at-risk teenage girls, are lacking role models. They are overwhelmed with the struggles of coming from broken homes where drugs and poverty are prevalent, survival
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Tuesday, December 7
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Monday- March 5th 2012 New York, NY Soiree In to Action You are invited to our New York Soiree into Action™ Monday, March 5th Networking with Purpose Lead with your Dreams!
Read More »Diane McEachern
Diane McEachern is an everyday woman living in Washington DC. Diane is on a mission to encourage women to harness their “power of the purse” and intentionally shift their spending to products with the greatest benefit to the environment. She believes the best way to fight the industries that pollute the planet, is to mobilize the most powerful consumer force in the world-women. Women spend 80-85 cents of every dollar in the marketplace.
Gloria Steinem
Gloria Steinem started out as an everyday woman who after being moved by the stories of other women put her passion into action. It has been written, she was a voice for women’s rights when women had no voice. Gloria celebrated her 75th birthday this year and with it a legacy that includes founding Ms Magazine, New York Magazine, co-creating Take Our Daughters to Work Day, starting organizations like the Women’s Action Alliance, Voters for Choice, co-founding the Women’s Media Center and writing several best-selling books including Revolution from Within: A Book of Self-Esteem. She has no intention of slowing down.
Jill Mason
Jill Mason is an everyday woman living in Sacramento. On the morning of Easter Sunday in 2004 the unthinkable happened. Jill and her boyfriend Alan Liu were biking along Highway 12 near Santa Rosa, when a drunk driver hit them. Liu was killed, Jill barely survived, her spinal cord was severed, permanently paralyzing her and suffered a traumatic brain injury that now limits her motor functions. With the help of her family, Jill has persevered, fighting her way back to regain her independence, voice and passion.
Fay Ann Lee
Fay Ann Lee is an everyday woman living in New York City. An actress by trade, Lee found roles for Asian American women few and far between. Determined to have her voice heard, she wrote a screenplay about self-discovery, acceptance and love through the eyes of an Asian American woman named Grace Tang, a successful Wall Street banker from New York’s Chinatown, who wants more than anything to be part of the elite Upper East Side Socialite world.
Jean Hill
Jean Hill is an everyday woman living in Concord, Ma. The 82-year old grandmother was shocked to learn from her ten-year old grandson about the large gyres forming in the oceans filled with garbage including water bottles. She immediately began investigating and learning about the impact plastic water bottles is having on the environment and to our health. She came to the conclusion that this could all be avoided if people stopped using plastic water bottles and began drinking tap water again.
Jennifer Litton Singer
Jennifer Litton Singer is an everyday woman living in Nevada City. In 1995, Jennifer along with Mary Collier and Amanda Chavez began the Friendship Club, a prevention program designed to reach at-risk girls before they engage in unhealthy behaviors. They wanted to provide an outlet for young woman to shine, build confidence, and become independent. Since then, Friendship Club has grown to become a year-around program that has served over four hundred girls in sixth through twelfth grades and includes educational activities, emotional support and community involvement.
Joan Blades
Joan Blades is an everyday woman living in Berkeley, CA. She is the Co-founder and President of MomsRising, an online organization for moms and the people that love them to connect on issues like healthcare, flexible work options, paid family leave, childcare, and living wages. Since its inception in 2006, MomsRising has grown to a staggering one million members.
Kristy Pagan
Kristy Pagan is an everyday woman living in Washington D.C. While growing up in Plymouth, MI, she wasn’t raised to lead a political life nor was she encouraged to get involved in politics, but early on Kristy felt the call of public service. After starting a women’s leadership group, that grew to become the largest organization on her college campus, she participated in the White House Project training.
Melinda Kramer
Melinda Kramer is an everyday women living in Berkeley, CA. She is the founder and co-director of Women’s Earth Alliance. At just twenty-four years old she launched a world-wide program that focuses on issues of environmental justice, water, agriculture and food. Women’s Earth Alliance has trained thousands of women in countries such as Bolivia, the Philippines, Africa, India, and throughout Native American communities in the United States. Working with organizational partners in these areas they facilitate local knowledge and bring outside resources to equip women with appropriate technologies, resources, information, networks, and business development skills as they launch environmental projects in their communities.
Rachel Barge
Rachel Barge is an everyday women living in the Bay Area. See Jane Do first met the 23-year old powerhouse last year at the Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival where she was speaking with the Brower Youth Award film. While attending UC Berkeley, Rachel helped establish The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF), a $2 million sustainability fund on campus that pays for energy efficiency and other environmental upgrades, for which she received the Brower Youth Award for environmental work.
Reinette Senum
Reinette Senum is an everyday woman living in Nevada City. Reinette is a green pioneer of the 21st century. She has traveled throughout fifty countries, climbed many mountains and was the first woman to cross Alaska solo on skis. See Jane Do had the privilege and pleasure of following Reinette over the last year; participating in the Community Congress she initiated in order to create one of the greenest small towns in America, celebrating her success as mayor of Nevada City, traveling with her to the Sierras and observing the development of the APPLE Center for Sustainable Living.
Sister Libby Fernandez
Sister Libby Fernandez is an everyday woman living in Sacramento, CA. After a brief stint in the Air Force, she embraced her calling to serve and became a nun with the Sisters of Mercy. As a Sister of Mercy, she has dedicated her entire life to God and serving God’s people especially those who are sick, poor and uneducated. Twenty-five years ago she became involved with Sacramento Loaves and Fishes, a private charity that neither solicits nor accepts government money to feed and shelter the homeless.
Soil Sisters, Willow Hein and Maisie Ganz
Willow Hein and Maisie Ganz are everyday women living in Nevada City, CA. The twenty-something year-olds are part of a new crop of farmers that include more and more women who are turning to farming to change the way we eat and live. A year ago, the two formed Soil Sisters, a women’s farming and art collective that is part of the Living Lands Agrarian Network and CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).
The idea came from a need for women to have a safe space and support system in sustainable farming to cultivate their own capabilities and skills.
Read More »Denise Linn
Denise Linn is an everyday woman living in Paso Robles, California. She is an internationally renowned teacher in the field of self-development and the best-selling author of sixteen books. For over 40 years, Denise has researched healing traditions from cultures around the world including the aborigines of Australia, the Zulu in Africa, the Maori of New Zealand as well as from her own Native American roots. Her own spiritual journey began as a teenager when she had a near-death experience after being shot by an unknown gunman.
Beth Terry
Beth Terry is an everyday woman living in the Bay Area. Three years ago, after reading an article about the rise of plastic in the world’s oceans, she realized that her own actions might be contributing to this problem. Beth made a choice. She challenged herself to eliminate the use of plastic, all the while documenting her experience on her blog Fake Plastic Fish. What began as a simple personal test has grown into something much larger.
Teresa Delfín
Teresa Delfín is an everyday woman living in Southern California. The 34-year-old Stanford-educated cultural anthropologist is passionate about rock climbing. Delfin found herself getting bogged down with academic politics while teaching and was looking for a new direction in her life. Three years ago, while pregnant with her first child, she realized there was a lack of outdoor apparel that would fit her expanding belly and began designing her own outdoor maternity clothes. Mountain Mama was born.
Chef Ann Cooper
Renegade school lunch lady, Chef Ann Cooper is an everyday woman living in Boulder, CO. The one-time high-end restaurant chef is on a mission to ensure that every child in America has access to healthy food at school. Having established a revolutionary school lunch program in Berkeley, CA with the vision and support of Alice Waters, Chef Ann is now serving 30,000 children a day in Boulder, CO healthy, nutritious school lunches and is moving forward to change policies at a national level.
Nicole Edmison
Nicole Edmison is an everyday woman living in the Bay Area. As a wildlife and conservationist biologist, journalist and blogger, she has a unique perspective on what was, has and is happening with the Gulf oil spill disaster.
She has the technical know-how, time and energy to understand what the impact an oil spill has on the environment; and because of her love of wildlife, she takes such acts of habitat destruction and animal harm very personally, something akin to her family being in danger.
Read More »Stephanie Ramirez
Stephanie Ramirez is an everyday woman living in Eastside San Jose. The 23-year-old, former teenage runaway rebel now channels her energy and experience into activism and filmmaking that highlights women's voices.
Stephanie's life shifted drastically, as well as her relationship with her mother, when she became a participant in the Girls for a Change program. The national organization empowers teen girls to create and lead social change through an extensive mentorship program.
Read More »Cathy Anderson-Meyers
Cathy Anderson-Meyers is an everyday woman living is Chicago Park. She is known as the “Snow Shoe Queen” and the founder of the Barbara Schmidt Millar Women's Triathlon taking place today.
In its 16th year, the Barbara Schmidt Millar “Celebration of Life” Women's Triathlon helps raise funds for the Breast Imagining Center at Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital and a scholarship for female high school graduates in Nevada County pursuing an education in the health care profession, in addition to educating women about breast cancer and making healthy choices.
Jessica Reeder
Jessica Reeder is an everyday woman living in Reno, Nev. In August 2008, disenchanted with her way of living, Jessica pulled up her roots from underneath her and began looking for the life she wanted to lead.
She left her comfortable tech job in San Francisco Sold or gave away most of her things and put the rest into a cargo trailer and a backpack.
She left the trailer at her father's home, grabbed the backpack and headed out on the open road to travel and to learn along the way how to live in a sustainable way.
She started the blog UpRooted, a sustainable travel project about her two-year journey around the U.S. to promote the dual practices of sustainability and volunteerism.
It's an example of ecologically aware and environmentally viable travel on a very low budget. Along the way she learned some incredible life-altering lessons.
Read More »Erin Switalski
Erin Switalski is an everyday women living in Missoula, Mont. Erin is putting her passion in social and environmental justice into action as the executive director for Women's Voices for the Earth (WVE).
Celebrating their 15th anniversary, WVE has educated thousands of women about the harmful effects of chemicals and provided tools to protect themselves and advocate for a healthier environment. This powerful yet small group of women has made significant impacts by speaking up and banding together.
Their successes include convincing corporations to disclose ingredients in their products, passing the Montana Thermostat Recycling Act of 2009, co-leading the national Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, and co-founding the National Healthy Nail Salon Alliance.
Erin is also one of the 2010 winners of the New Leaders Council 40 Under 40 Awards.
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